Participating in NextSteps
When you enroll in the program, you will become part of a class with other trauma survivors. Over six weeks, your class will work through two, 20-30 minute lessons each week. These lessons cover a variety of subjects related to recovery such as goal-setting, problem-solving, managing your emotional reactions, how trauma impacts your friends and family, and communicating with friends and professionals. You will also be part of a weekly online chat, led by a trained leader. In the chat you will have a chance to interact with other survivors, share your experiences, and learn from each other.
NextSteps provides the opportunity for you to keep a private journal, which will be for you alone, where you can write down any thoughts and feelings you may experience as you work through this program. There are also community forums, where you can connect with your classmates and people in other classes.
Finally, you will have access to a NextSteps Coordinator, by telephone, for any problems you encounter with the course.